Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Ideal/ Pure Gift

In class we touched on the notion there being something called a "pure" which is what most seem to think of when they think of gifts. It is a kind of benevolent gift which needs no reciprocation and how this is in contrast to what an actual gift is. An actual gift needing something in return even if that something is just a thank you. I was wondering if anyone had ever read "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein as a child or an adult and what we could take the message of that book to be. Is it the case that the tree is acting in a manner in which it is exemplifying the ideal form of gifting giving and portraying it to be the way it should or criticizing this ideal?

The story is really easy to find online, in case you have not read it. I also found this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TZCP6OqRlE
It is the youtube link of an animation of the book being read by Shel Silerstein, although I must admit that the sound is not that great, so if you do not know the book already it might be a bit a hard.