Sunday, December 6, 2009

Do you think most people's decisions are based in their morality?

First, it seems that everyone must base moral decisions, on morality. However, I do not think that every decision one makes is a moral decision. Sometimes there are practical decisions. For instance should I wear flip flops when its snowing outside? I also think that sometimes the lines of these kinds of decision can become crossed, such as in the case of people choosing to become vegan or vegetarian. For most, this falls into the realm of the moral.Since, for some the killing of animals (moral) should not be less of a concern than our survival (practical). In the case of art it becomes a complicated matter since, there are various layers. Can the individual separate something's artistic merits from morality? and even if one can, should they? or to go back to the originally question and frame it, through a certain light of art: does someone's decision to produce something which may be thought to be immoral to a certain extent reflect their own individual morals? and truly how much does the answer to the previous question matter or should matter to the general public when viewing that individuals artwork?

1 comment:

  1. Clive Bell: " my giddier moments, I sometimes think that art may prove the world's salvation."
