Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why do we care so much about aesthetics? I guess this is a kind of closing blog, which will probably be filled with mainly questions. We all have all sat in class day after day with some kind of objective, so I guess I’m asking what that has been for each of us. I understand that the answer will most likely differ, however I ask out of curiosity. Is it aesthetics that kept us there? Was it the challenges that some of the arguments raised to notions that we already had? This course was an upper level elective and so we all choose to be there, so why?

The things that can effectively be argued as being art, seem to serve no actual practical use in an average individual’s day to day life. By average I simply mean the random person that one could bump in to on the street. However, the truth is that we are all constantly bombarded be constant expressions of art, and thus it becomes very difficult to not care about that which is so prevalent in our lives. No matter how indefinable we may find the topic to be at times. It is in part because of this, at times indefinable quality that we take so much pleasure in it being a topic of discussion.

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